Conquistas para Slain: Back from Hell

Conquistas para Epic Games

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Slain: Back from Hell

30 conquista(s) % de todos os jogadores

Ícone de conquista
Get Used To It
Die for the very first time.
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Someone’s Paying Attention!
Successfully avoid the first spike trap in the Bloodgrounds.
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Man ‘O War
Kill every Beholder in the Hive without using mana.
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A Good Day To Die
You Have Been Killed 100 times. Rejoice!
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Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha!
Successfully execute 100 Critical Strikes.
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Killed by Death
Squash a Wolf Guard in a crusher trap.
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Right Back Atcha
Destroy 30 enemies with reflected projectiles.
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Kill ‘Em All
Slay 8 of your enemies in a trice.
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A Snowball’s Chance in Hell
Hit 6 Ice Meteors back at the Ice Beast.
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Down Boy!
Defeat the Fire Hounds without losing any health.
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Enjoy The Silence
Defeat the Banshee Queen without losing any health.
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Watch 30 enemies get killed by traps.
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Backdoor Man
Escape the Highlands Caves through the secret passage.
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Hail the Great Horned Metal God!
Headbang after every single boss has been defeated.
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That’ll Come In Handy...
Find all five pieces of the Talisman.
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Sure Footed As A Goat
Reached the top of the Blood Tower without falling in any gore pits.
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The Sky Is Falling
Defeat Hogre without losing any health.
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Death Becomes Her
Dispatch the Mother Beholder within 30 seconds.
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Red In Tooth And Claw
Defeat Lupus Rex without losing any health.
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Thorn in My Herbicide
Defeat the Thorn Beast without losing any health.
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Start As You Mean To Go On
Finish the Bloodgrounds without dying at all.
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Ice To See You
Defeat the Ice Beast without losing any health.
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Smack My Imp Up
Defeat Malikesh without losing any health.
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Flame Retardant
Complete Highlands level without killing an enemy with the flame blade.
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Oh God, Mother! Blood! Blood!
Defeat the Mother Beholder without losing any health.
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Four Legged Friend
Complete the Wolf Run without losing any health.
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Vroll With It
Kill Vroll without taking any damage.
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Swift of Foot, Keen of Blade
Destroy Vroll and liberate Chalh within 3 minutes.
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Too Metal For Magic
Defeat the game without using any Mana.
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Heart Of Steel
Defeat the game without losing a single life.

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