Osiągnięcia The Pedestrian

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The Pedestrian

Liczba osiągnięć: 10 % wszystkich graczy

Ikona osiągnięcia
I knew I'd find it here in the warehouse
I should take better care of these pieces
Ikona osiągnięcia
I shouldn't have come down here
I almost couldn't find my way out!
Ikona osiągnięcia
I need to get back so I can write this down
Oh, the places we could go with this!
Ikona osiągnięcia
This is going to be a long day. Glad I packed lunch
Coffee can't hold you forever
Ikona osiągnięcia
The paint works better than I expected
It really helps keep everything in place
Ikona osiągnięcia
If this works, I plan to set sail tonight
I can't forget to grab the supplies
Ikona osiągnięcia
It's getting dark with all this rain. I'd better get back
The water can't be good for the electronics
Ikona osiągnięcia
They lied about the cake.
It was made with wheat! Lee is allergic!
Ikona osiągnięcia
Finally! All the components are here!
Now let's see what this baby can do!
Ikona osiągnięcia
Now our journey begins
I wonder if they're still there...

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