Accomplissements de Power to the People

Accomplissements pour Steam

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Power to the People

20 accomplissements % de tous les joueurs

Icône d'accomplissement
A little less talk, a little more action
Turn on the satisfaction information overlay
Icône d'accomplissement
How did you solve that problem?
Unlock the High Capacity Lines technology in the research tree
Icône d'accomplissement
Knowledge is power
Complete all tutorials
Icône d'accomplissement
Road to power
Cover all roads in at least 3 different cities with low voltage power lines
Icône d'accomplissement
Have at least 5 power lines fail at the same time
Icône d'accomplissement
A green world
Give power to all buildings in 3 different cities by using only wind and solar power plants
Icône d'accomplissement
Leave me a loan
Take a loan and then purchase a building that you couldn’t have afforded without the loan
Icône d'accomplissement
Under the influence
Accumulate 25 Influence Points
Icône d'accomplissement
One for all
Give power to all buildings in 3 different cities by using just one power plant
Icône d'accomplissement
I’m gonna wreck it
Demolish a substation or power plant that was making at least 20 different buildings unhappy
Icône d'accomplissement
Pump those numbers up
Fix a power shortage by upgrading a power plant
Icône d'accomplissement
Make it your own
Change your power company’s name and logo
Icône d'accomplissement
It's better if it's hard
Achieve victory in a level in "hard" difficulty
Icône d'accomplissement
Power to the People
Complete at least one level in each one of the five continents
Icône d'accomplissement
Like a phoenix
Get your satisfaction all the way down to just 51% and then get it back up to at least 80%
Icône d'accomplissement
Going nuclear
Have a fully upgraded Nuclear Power Plant
Icône d'accomplissement
New week, new you
Complete a weekly challenge
Icône d'accomplissement
Sure, but what if...
Start a sandbox game with at least 5 modifiers
Icône d'accomplissement
Let the hate flow through you
Run a power grid in the “aggressive” power distribution profile for 5 days in a row without any power lines failing
Icône d'accomplissement
The old switcheroo
Configure a switching station to monitor an energy storage facility

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