Conquistas para Back to the Dawn

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Back to the Dawn

16 conquista(s) % de todos os jogadores

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The Fool
"Heheh, you'll regret your foolishness..."
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"It's just an ordinary business card... although it seems they offer more than just drinks."
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The World
"There'll always be unfortunate people in this world. It's either them or us."
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Wheel of Fortune
"The one thing we need is stuck in the prison's storeroom."
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The Empress
"No rest for the wicked..."
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The Pope
"Maybe this is a punishment from the Father of the Forest."
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The High Priestess
"We meet at last."
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"Bang bang bang!"
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"You've won, hero of the city!"
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The Moon
"But the light up ahead is still there; I can't be hallucinating now..."
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The Emperor
"Is that the result you wanted, Thomas?"
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The Hermit
"Your papers, please!"
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The Star
"I sure wish I could turn into a bird."
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The Hanged Man
"Good thing you ain't dead, or the shit would really hit the fan."
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The Chariot
"As I said, I want to be the real winner in the end."
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The Tower
"Warning, a prisoner has escaped! I repeat, a prisoner has escaped!"

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