
Triches de Control Ultimate Edition

Des mods et des trainers gratuits pour Control Ultimate Edition, ainsi que des milliers de vos jeux solo préférés pour PC, tout cela au même endroit.

Télécharger Télécharger pour Windows 85 MB
Télécharger Télécharger pour Windows 85 MB
Voir les mods disponibles

Triches de Control Ultimate Edition

Trainers et triches pour Steam

Télécharger Télécharger pour Windows 85 MB
Trainers et triches pour Steam · 85mb
Control Ultimate Edition
WeMod is the #1 trainer & cheats app for PC games Always free, always safe

8 mods disponibles

  • Santé illimitée
  • Énergie Illimitée
  • Points de capacité illimités
  • Mises à niveau faciles des Mods
  • Matériaux illimités
  • Élément Illimité
  • Pas de Rechargement
  • Super Précision - Pas de Dispersion
Aperçu de la vidéo démo Gameplay
Capture d'écran de triches de Control Ultimate Edition App

Notre trainer Control Ultimate Edition a plus de 8 triches et prend en charge Steam. Triche dans ce jeu et plus encore avec l'application WeMod!

About WeMod

Mis à jour
1 sept. 2020
Version du jeu
Win 11, Win 10


Notre trainer Control Ultimate Edition a plus de 8 triches et prend en charge Steam. Triche dans ce jeu et plus encore avec l'application WeMod!

En savoir plus sur WeMod

Capture d'écran de triches de Control Ultimate Edition Capture d'écran
Aperçu de la vidéo démo Vidéo de gameplay
Mis à jour
1 sept. 2020
Version du jeu
Windows 11, Windows 10
Always free, always safe
Trustpilot: 28 129 reviews 4,9 Stars 4,9/5

Trusted by over 10M gamers worldwide.

No risky downloads. No viruses.
Malware-free, community-tested mods.

VirusTotal scan
Mis à jour
1 sept. 2020
Version du jeu
Windows 11, Windows 10

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Personnalise tes jeux en toute sécurité avec WeMod

WeMod est toujours sûr et toujours gratuit grâce à notre communauté de millions de joueurs dans le monde. Nous sommes supportés par les abonnés WeMod Pro. Consultez ses avis sur Trustpilot.

Comment puis-je utiliser les triches dans Control Ultimate Edition?
WeMod affichera en toute sécurité tous les jeux sur ton PC. Ouvre un jeu de la liste et appuie simplement sur jouer. Après le chargement du jeu et une fois que tu es en jeu, tu peux commencer à activer les codes de triches différents!
Est-ce que cela fonctionnera avec ma version de jeu?
WeMod utilise une technologie avancée pour détecter la version du jeu que tu utilises et t'informera si elle est prise en charge. Si ce n’est pas le cas, tu auras toujours la possibilité de l’essayer ou de demander une mise à jour!


HotScorpion740 22 avr.
I appreciate how well the mod works! There's a few second delay before it syncs to live, but small price to pay to be able to beat a game (in my old age lol)!! Thank you for your hard work! :)
Nellyvylle 24 août
It's always awesome to be a God and most of wemod's does that for PC gamers. I've now brought the PC versions of most of the PS games that I have simply to play them over as a God. It really changes the games when you don't have to think about dying lol.
Tortor828 19 avr.
I love the unlimited health I know it's not fair but It makes me feel like I can enjoy the game more without feeling like I'll have a heart attack worrying about dying lol
FallenExileX 30 janv.
absolutely great!!! I have been looking for a long time for help and it works. I am very grateful thank you very much for your time, effort and sharing I am very grateful and appreciative. thank you.
xXN0FaC3Xx 2 janv.
used the steam version on the gog version just select the version of the exe you use using the custom install option thing and it works like a charm
LongWinterKnight 30 déc.
Those mods were awesome, felt really powerful but at the same time challenged since didn't use the unlimited health for fighting enemies in areas that weren't fatal.
SmoothSpoon807 6 déc.
You folks rock it. Makes my game time so much more enjoyable. May the fortunes of old smile down upon you!!!!!
OpticalEngine252 15 nov.
I have the GOG (Good Old Games) version but linking the exe and using the Steam cheats seemed to work perfectly!
SaGe3k 24 oct.
Works perfectly with the Ultimate Edition of the game. Works wonders to get back to it post the original release. THANK YOU!!
SeriousZist 3 oct.
got me past this one part i for the life of me could not do on my own. i do feel shame that i had to cheat. but ultimately...... GAH !#$% THE LEVEL WHERE SHE PUTS THE HEADPHONES ON!!!!
The_Big_J 2 oct.
Control is one of my favorites, reminds me of S.C.P.'s. The unlimited energy one doesn't seem to stay on for me though, I don't know if that's just on my end or not. Thanks for your hard work
SpecialProse944 20 août
These mods helped so much! I still want the ability to toggle on a few super abilities when I just want to enjoy the store, but just as easily toggle them off when I'm in fight mode.
UrgentBee178 5 août
only downside is when you get mellee attacked the red near dead aniamtion dosnt go away until you fast travel or go though a loading screen
DelightfulSheep1 22 juil.
Nice work guys , you do great things that allow me to make enough time to enjoy games i dont have enough time to beat as a 37 year old father of 4.
VRev4123 11 juin
It just makes it easier to play not because it's cheating lol, just because it allows you to just focus on the story if you want and not have to worry about dying so much. Thanks for the mods!
SecureGoldfish107 31 mai
thank you! lost my save file so it was so easy to get to where i needed to without a hassle haha! awesome work! thank you verymuch! if i was in a better financial position id def help out that way! will share with friends and family:)
LostRiver453 27 mai
Amazing access to mods for all the games that I love! This is what makes PC gaming amazing. Truly grateful to the team.
h33f 10 mars
Great mod, thanks; noticed that it is sometimes necessary to escape out to the main menu before the unlimited ammo takes effect.
Kyleesha 16 févr.
Well done, works like a charm, though the health seems to be tricky if activated at a low health level and sustaining significant damage
signet56 15 févr.
Thanks. This game is very good at blending real with what is possible. I think more gore should be added, but that is just me. Also a wider range of skills than what is offered to jesse for her psionic abilities.
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